Friday, May 20, 2005

Howard Johnson's am Times Square

Waehrend alle darueber reden, dass das Plaza geschlossen werden sollte, hat Lisa entdeckt, dass es noch andere Perlen in New York gibt, die bald verschwinden sollen. Daher mobilisierte sie gestern Leute, dem Howard Johnson's einen wuerdigen Abschied zu verpassen.
Lisas E-Mail findet Ihr hier (und Fotos folgen spaeter):

The Plaza hotel is being converted to condos! Ohmigod! What will NYC do without Eloise, tea, and high-society balls?!?
Amidst all the Plaza hype, another New York City landmark has silently fallen prey to the intensity of the real-estate market: Howard Johnson's, a Times Square institution since the 1950s, is slated to close next month.
The place hasn't changed since last time you've been there: Orange booths and wood veneer. Elvis and the Beach Boys playing on the radio. Old-school waiters and super-scary bathrooms in that drug-den/ rapist hangout sort of way.
If you've never been to HoJos Times Square, it's exactly how you'd imagine it to be--a bricks-and-mortar time-warp that you can instantly infuse with misplaced memories, like the time your grandma took you out for a banana split after you were so brave about that splinter in your foot...
But I digress. Our charge is to not let HoJos go without a festive goodbye, so please come out for cocktails this Thursday, 7:30ish, at Howard Johnson's--at the cocktail lounge in back, naturally.
The drinks aren't cheap--$7ish--but they are strong and proper. And be forewarned: unless you fancy some $12 nachos, come with your belly full.
Invite your midtown coworkers, your pervy pals who hang around Times Square, or anyone who's sentimental enough to stomach a few teary-eyed Manhattans, and let us bid farewell to Howard Johnson's, the Plaza of the People.


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