Saturday, March 26, 2005

Dusseldorf - Trier - Bonn - Muenster

In Dusseldorf I was welcomed by my whole family. My parents, grandmother and Josef (her 'boyfriend'), my sister and her husband (both of them just had been to New York). Of course, it was nice to see all of them, but everyone who knows my family can imagine how stressful this can be after a twelve hour journey and hardly any sleep. Everyone was talking (at the same time, of course) and you just smiled friendly and nodded.
We had all together lunch in a Asian restaurant (officially it was Chinese, but everyone working there was Vietnamese, and the food had a German touch) and then separated.
My initial plan was to visit my friends in Trier and then come to Muenster, but for some reason this idea developed into a whole family trip (and this is very typical for my family). My grandmother and Josef joined me as well as my parents. And this in an A Klasse car, probably not even half the size of an SUV. The A Klasse is a city car, and famous for A Klasse jokes, because it is such a small car (and you know, the big cars make always jokes about the small cars).
After three hours on the highway with five people in this small car, I felt like tuna in a can. And don't forget, I just had a loooooooooooooong journey behind me. I totally understand that my family misses me and therefore I was not bothered that they wanted to join me, but I would have prefered a different means of transportation... Anyway, what is more fun than a road trip with you grandma and your parents?
Trier is the oldest city in Germany. You find a lot of remains of the Roman past, medieval churches etc. Trier is also famous for Mosel wines and, more important than anything, I have great friends there. Robert, who was just finishing his MA paper the day we arrived, works in a hotel and got us great rooms (I will post the pictures when I am back in NYC).
Since neither my grandma and Josef, nor my father had been to Trier, we did some tourism there (again, photos will follow). I haven't been to Trier since our engagement. Lisa and I went there on our engagement honeymoon (if something like this exists), and I was thinking about it, because since our engagement party (which took place in Muenster) my other Trier friend Joram is dating my friend Mascha. We met both of them as well and it was really nice to see that they are still together, and more than that, really happy. To be honest, I did not expect it, but it was a nice surprise.
I just looked at what I wrote and it sounds pretty boring, therefore now the short summary. We stayed two nights in Trier and then hit the road back north, got lost on the highway and had a stop in Bonn, the former capital of Germany (before the unification), where the rest of my family had lunch and I had a beer with my former assistant and now good friend Mona. And then after two more hours on the road and a few traffic jams, we finally arrived in Muenster. But about this and much more boring stuff maybe another time. Auf Wiederlesen.


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